Getting started

django-organizations allows you to add multi-user accounts to your application and tie permissions and actions to organization level accounts.

The core of the application consists of these three models:

  • Organization The group object. This is what you would associate your own app’s functionality with, e.g. subscriptions, repositories, projects, etc.
  • OrganizationUser A custom through model for the ManyToMany relationship between the Organization model and your user model. It stores additional information about the user specific to the organization and provides a convenient link for organization ownership.
  • OrganizationOwner The user with rights over the life and death of the organization. This is a one to one relationship with the OrganizationUser model. This allows users to own multiple organizations and makes it easy to enforce ownership from within the organization’s membership.


First add the application to your Python path. The easiest way is to use pip:

pip install django-organizations

You should install by downloading the source and running:

$ python install


First ensure that you have a user system in place to connect to your organizations. django-organizations will work just fine with the Django’s contrib.auth package. To use it, make sure you have django.contrib.auth installed.

Add the organizations application to your INSTALLED_APPS list:


If you plan on using the default URLs, hook the application URLs into your main application URL configuration in If you plan on using the invitation/registration system, set your backend URLs, too:

from organizations.backends import invitation_backend

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^accounts/', include('organizations.urls')),
    url(r'^invitations/', include(invitation_backend().get_urls())),

You can specify a different invitation backend in your project settings, and the invitation_backend function will provide the URLs defined by that backend:

ORGS_INVITATION_BACKEND = 'myapp.backends.MyInvitationBackend'

Users and multi-account membership

The key to these relationships is that while an OrganizationUser is associated with one and only one Organization, a User can be associated with multiple OrganizationUsers and hence multiple Organizations.


This means that the OrganizationUser class cannot be used as a UserProfile as that requires a one-to-one relationship with the User class. That is better provided by your own project or application.

In your project you can associate accounts with things like subscriptions, documents, and other shared resources, all of which the account users can then access.

For many projects a simple one-user-per-account model will suffice, and this can be handled quite ably in your own application’s logic.

Views and Mixins

Hooking the django-organizations URLs into your project provides a default set of views for accessing and updating organizations and organization membership.

The included class based views <> are based on a set of mixins that allow the views to limit access by a user’s relationship to an organization and that query the appropriate organization or user based on URL keywords.

Implementing in your own project

While django-organizations has some basic usability ‘out-of-the-box’, it’s designed to be used as a foundation for project specific functionality. The view mixins should provide base functionality from which to work for unique situations.

Project Versions

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Basic Usage

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