.. _cookbook: ================================= Cooking with Django Organizations ================================= This section aims to provide some clear examples of how to build your application with Django organizations. The out-of-the-box setup works but is unlikely to meet your needs without some further customization. Proxy models ============ The simplest way to customize an installation of Django organizations (with respect to the database) is to modify only the Django admin interface to your organizations. In this example, an organization model is provided in a site but the organizations require a new name. Site admins should be able to add, edit, and delete account organizations, as well as users for those accounts. Proxy models for convenience ---------------------------- This can be accomplished with proxy models in your models module (e.g., ``models.py``):: from organizations.models import Organization, OrganizationUser class Account(Organization): class Meta: proxy = True class AccountUser(OrganizationUser): class Meta: proxy = True In your own models you could just add `verbose_name` and `verbose_name_plural` attributes in your class's `Meta` class, but you'd have to extend those classes here to do that anyhow. The `proxy` attribute ensures that this is just a wrapper around the class and the database is not changed from the default tables. Note that the `OrganizationOwner` is absent. In this particular example there's no need to expose that separately. User focused admin interface ---------------------------- The admin interface should allow a site admin to modify the organizations and the site users. We want to avoid requiring site admins to separately manage users through the `auth.User` or other user interface *and* an organization interface. It seems convenient as a developer to just let site admins pick users from the organization's many-to-many `users` field, but this is cumbersome and doesn't factor in user invitations. So the strategy here is to take advantage of the explicit through model's organization foreign key and provide a limited user interface through the account user form. Model admin definitions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the admin module (e.g., ``admin.py``):: from django.contrib import admin from organizations.models import (Organization, OrganizationUser, OrganizationOwner) from myapp.forms import AccountUserForm from myapp.models import Account, AccountUser class AccountUserAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): form = AccountUserForm admin.site.unregister(Organization) admin.site.unregister(OrganizationUser) admin.site.unregister(OrganizationOwner) admin.site.register(Account) admin.site.register(AccountUser, AccountUserAdmin) It's very simple. All it does is ensure that the default Organization model interfaces are hidden and then substitute the form class on the AccountUser admin. That form is where the business all happens. The admin form class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We'll go through this piece by piece, but here's the full class (e.g., in ``forms.py``):: from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from organizations.backends import invitation_backend from myapp.models import AccountUser class AccountUserForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Form class for editing OrganizationUsers *and* the linked user model. """ first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=100) last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=100) email = forms.EmailField() class Meta: exclude = ('user', 'is_admin') model = AccountUser def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AccountUserForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.instance.pk is not None: self.fields['first_name'].initial = self.instance.user.first_name self.fields['last_name'].initial = self.instance.user.last_name self.fields['email'].initial = self.instance.user.email def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This method saves changes to the linked user model. """ if self.instance.pk is None: site = Site.objects.get(pk=settings.SITE_ID) self.instance.user = invitation_backend().invite_by_email( self.cleaned_data['email'], **{'first_name': self.cleaned_data['first_name'], 'last_name': self.cleaned_data['last_name'], 'organization': self.cleaned_data['organization'], 'domain': site}) self.instance.user.first_name = self.cleaned_data['first_name'] self.instance.user.last_name = self.cleaned_data['last_name'] self.instance.user.email = self.cleaned_data['email'] self.instance.user.save() return super(AccountUserForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs) **This is a model form class but primarily manages a linked model.** The `AccountUser` model only has three fields: a foreign key to the organization, a foreign key to the user, and since this is our default class, a Boolean field for admins. The form will only show a choice for the organization. Meanwhile, the site admin will have a chance to view and edit the name and email address of the user, pulled from the underlying user model, e.g. `auth.User`. The `__init__` method is responsible for populating the form with the data for existing account users. It calls the super method first which is necessary to create the fields. It checks if the primary key is none, rather than testing the attribute, since the attribute will be there whether or not the model has been saved yet - it will just be a `NoneType`. The `save` method only does a little bit more. There's some logic there for populating the invitation email (more on that below) but mostly this just updates the linked user, instead of just the link to the user. Handling user invitations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each invited user is sent an email with a unique registration link. On the registration page they have the opportunity to update their name and create their own password. One of the things this form does is prevent users from changing their email address. There's no reason your own project needs to do this, of course.:: from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from organizations.backends import invitation_backend from organizations.backends.forms import UserRegistrationForm from partners.models import PartnerUser class RegistrationForm(UserRegistrationForm): """ Form class that allows a user to register after clicking through an invitation. """ first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30) last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30) email = forms.EmailField(widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={'class': 'disabled', 'readonly': 'readonly'})) password = forms.CharField(max_length=128, widget=forms.PasswordInput) password_confirm = forms.CharField(max_length=128, widget=forms.PasswordInput) def clean(self): password = self.cleaned_data.get("password") password_confirm = self.cleaned_data.get("password_confirm") if password != password_confirm or not password: raise forms.ValidationError("Your password entries must match") return super(RegistrationForm, self).clean() class AccountUserForm(forms.ModelForm): # See above .. TODO add backend specs Custom org with simple inheritance ================================== Simply extending the organization model with your own requires the least amount of fuss and for most applications will probably suffice. This entails using the stock `OrganizationUser` model and multi-table inheritance to support additional fields on your organization model. Models ------ Here's an example from a sport team management application.:: from django.db import models from organizations.models import Organization from sports.models import Sport class Team(Organization): sport = models.ForeignKey(Sport, related_name="teams") city = models.CharField(max_length=100) That's all that's required to update your models. The `Team` model will use the default `OrganizationUser` and `OrganizationOwner` models. Views ----- The class based views can be configured to refer to different model classes and context variable names by adding a view attributes in your own class or in the `as_view` class method call.:: class TeamDetail(BaseOrganizationDetail): org_model = Team org_context_name = 'team' Multiple organizations with simple inheritance ============================================== You can take the inheritance strategy one step further and add additional organization classes if need be.:: from django.db import models from organizations.models import Organization from sports.models import Sport class Association(Organization): sport = models.ForeignKey(Sport, related_name="associations") class Team(Organization): association = models.ForeignKey(Association, related_name="teams") city = models.CharField(max_length=100) As in this example you can add them in the same app although it probably makes more sense to add them in their own apps. .. _cookbook-advanced: Advanced customization using abstract models ============================================ As of version 0.2.0 you can add your own fully customized models using unique table sets, i.e. single table inheritance. In order to do this, your app should define an organization model, an organization user model, and an organization owner model, each inheriting from one of the abstract models provided in ``organizations.abstract``. Here's an example from an `accounts` app: .. code-block:: python from django.db import models from organizations.abstract import ( AbstractOrganization, AbstractOrganizationUser, AbstractOrganizationOwner, AbstractOrganizationInvitation, ) class Account(AbstractOrganization): """Core organization model""" monthly_subscription = models.IntegerField(default=1000) class AccountUser(AbstractOrganizationUser): """Links a user to the organization""" user_type = models.CharField(max_length=1, default='') class AccountOwner(AbstractOrganizationOwner): """Identifies ONE user, by AccountUser, to be the owner""" pass class AccountInvitation(AbstractOrganizationInvitation): """Stores invitations for adding users to organizations""" pass This will create the following tables: * `accounts_account` * `accounts_accountuser` * `accounts_accountowner` * `accounts_accountinvitation` The `accounts_account` table will include all of the necessary fields for this and only this organization model. .. note:: Unlike in the example of multi-table inheritance, you cannot add more than one custom organization model to an individual app. Each additional organization class you want must be defined in its own app. Only one organization set per app. A more minimalistic approach using base models ---------------------------------------------- The base models provided in ``organizations.base`` marked with the `Base` suffix provide the almost-bare minimum fields required to manage organizations. These models are very basic and can be used if your implementation must differ considerably from the default one. Here's an example of a custom `accounts` inheriting the minimal `Base` models: .. code-block:: python from django.db import models from organizations.base import ( OrganizationBase, OrganizationUserBase, OrganizationOwnerBase, OrganizationInvitationBase, ) class Account(OrganizationBase): monthly_subscription = models.IntegerField(default=1000) class AccountUser(OrganizationUserBase): user_type = models.CharField(max_length=1, default='') class AccountOwner(OrganizationOwnerBase): pass class AccountInvitation(OrganizationInvitationBase): pass Difference between abstract and base models ------------------------------------------- The **abstract models** (provided in ``organizations.abstract``) include timestamps, a slug field on the organization, and an ``is_admin`` field on the organization user. The first two are implemented with additional dependencies. Use these models if you are happy with the way this additional logic is implemented. The **base models** (provided in ``organizations.base``) instead provide only the bare minimum fields required to implement and manage organizations: if you want a slug field or timestamps on your models, you'll need to add those in. However you can do so however you want. And if you don't want any of those fields, you don't have to take them. Extending the base admin classes -------------------------------- If you chose the "single table inheritance" approach, you may want to reuse the base admin classes too, in order to avoid having too much boilerplate code in your application, eg: .. code-block:: python from django.contrib import admin from organizations.base_admin import ( BaseOwnerInline, BaseOrganizationAdmin, BaseOrganizationUserAdmin, BaseOrganizationOwnerAdmin, ) from myapp.models import MyOrg, MyOrgUser, MyOrgOwner, MyOrgInvitation class OwnerInline(BaseOwnerInline): model = MyOrgOwner @admin.register(MyOrg) class OrgAdmin(BaseOrganizationAdmin): inlines = [OwnerInline] @admin.register(MyOrgUser) class OrgUserAdmin(BaseOrganizationUserAdmin): pass @admin.register(MyOrgOwner) class OrgOwnerAdmin(BaseOrganizationOwnerAdmin): pass @admin.register(MyOrgInvitation) class OrgInvitationAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): pass Restricting and isolating resources =================================== A fairly common use case for group accounts is to associate resources of one kind or another with that group account. Two questions arise next, how to associate this content with the accounts, and secondly how to restrict access to group members? Associating resources --------------------- The simplest way to associate resources with an account is with a foreign key.:: class Account(Organization): """We'll skip any other fields or methods for the example""" class MeetingMinutes(models.Model): """A representative resource model""" account = models.ForeignKey('Account', related_name='meeting_minutes') We now have a definite way of linking our meeting minutes resource with an account. Accessing only those meeting minutes related to the account is straightforward using the related name.:: account = get_object_or_404(Account, pk=pk) relevant_meeting_minutes = account.meeting_minutes.all() This works if the resource is defined in your project. If you're pulling this in from another app, e.g. a third party Django app, then you can't directly add a foreign key to the model. You can create a linking model which can be used in a similar fashion.:: from third_party_app.models import Document class DocumentLink(models.Model): account = models.ForeignKey('Account', related_name="document_links") document = models.ForeignKey('Document', unique=True) The linking model should in *most scenarios* enforce uniqueness against the linked resource model to prevent multiple organizations from having access to the resource. Providing access may be a little less straightforward. You can use the related name as before, however that will result in a queryset of `DocumentLink` objects, rather than `Document` as expected. This works, but for more foolproof results you might add a custom queryset method or define a `ManyToManyField` on your group account model if this makes sense with regard to your application hierarchy.:: class Account(Organization): documents = models.ManyToManyField('third_party_app.Document', through='DocumentLink') Restricting access ------------------ Access restriction is based on two levels: managers (queryset) to limit the available data in a way that is easy to understand and work with, and view mixins or decorators to actually allow users (you can also use middleware in some implementations). Managers and querysets work as demonstrated above to provide a foolproof way of getting only the relevant resources for a given organization. Where you can, avoid explicit access filters in your views, forms, management commands, etc. Relying on the filters from related managers whenever possible reduces the room for mistakes with result in data leaks. The mixins in the django-organizations codebase provide a good starting point for additional restrictions. Note that you can also use decorators for functional views in the same way. As an example from directly within a simple view class, you might want to restrict access to a particular document based on the organization. The "one liner" solution is to check for a match using a filter against the user.:: @login_required def document_view(request, document_pk): doc = get_object_or_404(Document, pk=document_pk, account__users=request.user) return render(request, "document.html", {"document": doc}) An improvement for clarity is to define a manager method that encapsulates some of the logic.:: @login_required def document_view(request, document_pk): try: doc = Document.objects.for_user(request.user).get(pk=document_pk) except Document.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 return render(request, "document.html", {"document": doc}) The `for_user` method can then reduce the queryset to only documents belonging to *any* organization which the current user is a member of.