Basic usage#
After installing django-organizations you can make basic use of the accounts with minimal configuration.
For custom usage, including custom account models, see the section on custom usage, or for deeper customization including fully customized account and linking models, see the cookbook.
Model relationships#
One of the core benefits of using a multi user account is the ability to tie other objects to an account.
Keep your organization models at the top of your app hierarchy and relate these models back to your organization model.:
class Product(models.Model):
account = models.ForeignKey(
You can simplify access checks with a queryset method.:
class ProductQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
def for_user(self, user):
return self.filter(account__users=user)
Views & mixins#
The views in the rest of your application can then filter by account.:
class OrganizationMixin(object):
The application’s default views and URL configuration provide functionality for account creation, user registration, and account management.
Creating accounts#
This is a to-do item, and an opportunity to contribute to the project!
User registration#
You can register new users and organizations through your project’s own system or use the extensible invitation and registration backends.
The default invitation backend accepts an email address and returns the user who either matches that email address or creates a new user with that email address. The view for adding a new user is then responsible for adding this user to the organization.
The OrganizationSignup view is used for allowing a user new to the site to create an organization and account. This view relies on the registration backend to create and verify a new user.
The backends can be extended to fit the needs of a given site.
Creating accounts#
When a new user signs up to create an account - meaning a new UserAccount for a new Account - the view creates a new User, a new Account, a new AccountUser, and a new AccountOwner object linking the newly created Account and AccountUser.
Adding users#
The user registration system in django-organizations is based on the same token generating mechanism as Django’s password reset functionality.
Changing ownership#
Changing ownership of an organization is as simple as updating the OrganizationOwner such that it points to the new user. There is as of yet no out of the box view to do this, but adding your own will be trivial.
Invitation & registration backends#
The invitation and registration backends provide a way for your account users to add new users to their accounts and if your application allows it, for users to create their own accounts at registration. Each base backend class is designed to provide a common interface which your backend classes can use to work with whatever user models, registration systems, additional account systems, or any other tools you need for your site.